Town Board Members

John Hegseth  507-824-2106
Kerry Olson  612-756-2433

Tom Shane  507-824-2191, 507-291-0720

Tamra Berg  507-789-6758

Nancy Hegseth  507-824-2106

call Kerry Olson 612-756-2433

How Do I Vote for Township Officers?
The Supervisors,  Clerk, and Treasurer, are all elected by public voting in March.  Supervisors serve a three year term while the Clerk and Treasurer each serve a two year term.  On the second Tuesday in March, township residents may vote for one Supervisor position and, either the Clerk or Treasurer position.  The Annual Township Election takes place between 5:00 -  8:00 pm, with the Annual Township Meeting following the voting, starting at 8:00 pm, at the Township Hall.

How Do I Run for the Town Board?
Interested persons may file to run for any open position with the Clerk.  The filing fee is $2.00.  The filing period is open during the first two weeks of January, (contact the Clerk for exact dates and times to file), for one Supervisor and one Clerk or Treasurer. The Maintenance position is hired, not elected.

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